
Organizational Tip of the Week

Week 4

By Macaroni Kid February 8, 2012

Each week I will feature an organizational tip of the week. These were all submitted by Macaroni Kid publishers from across the country. If you have an organizational tip to share, post a comment or send me a note at

Week 4:

Kitchen Clutter: Lids


First, go through all your storage containers and make sure that every lid has a container partner and if you find any extras, get rid of them because they're only going to make you crazy. We did this last year because our containers kept jumping out of the cupboards. Then use a large container to keep all the lids for your storage containers... contained. We have one for the lids for our storage containers in the cupboard next to the stacks of containers AND we have one for all the covers for sippy cups and all the other little tools you need for kids, so the measuring syringes for medicine are in there, the valves for the sippys, straws, etc. We started keeping that container when we had bottle parts all over the counter. Once the bottle parts were dry, we put the tops together to save space too. As for the sippy cups themselves, we stack them together the best we can, so some of the narrow cups go inside the wider ones, or if they are the same style cup and stack, they're all together, same for the storage containers. - Laura Miller, Appleton, WI

You can see the tips for previous weeks at these links:


Week 1: Minimizing Closets

Week 2: Sorting and Minimizing Room Clutter

Week 3: Organizing Toy Clutter