
Organize a Room in One Weekend

By Kyrie Collins, Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock Publisher March 20, 2013

Now is the time of year when many people do a thorough Spring Cleaning of their home. Make cleaning easier by first getting rid of extra clutter and doing a little reorganizing. We've got a five-step approach to reorganizing any room in one weekend (providing you've got a pretty clear calendar and a spouse or friend to keep the kids occupied).

Step One: Figure out the goal for the room. Do you want the family room to be the place for puzzles, games, and movies? Would you like a quiet reading corner in the living room? Do you need a study spot in your kitchen? Once you figure out the goal of the room, you can formulate a plan.

Step Two: Find the limitations of the room. Take into consideration the size, layout, and functions of the room. If you want the family room to be a place for puzzles, games, and movies but you lack shelving and seating, you'll need to find solutions.

Step Three: Sort every item in the room into one of four categories:

  • Stay - An item you want to keep and supports the goal of the room
  • Relocate - An item you want to keep but should be in another room
  • Donate/Sell - An item in good shape that you no longer want but someone else will
  • Dump - Simply put ... it's trash

Step Four: Plan and purchase your projects. This is the time to add needed shelving, seating, storage baskets, photos, and lighting.

Step Five: Put the room back together. Put the "Stay" items where they belong, get everything in one of the other categories out of the room, and enjoy your new space!