Note from Laura: This cute pipe cleaner project is written to become a really cute ring, but instead of making the ring shape, we left one of the ends long until the flower was done, then I wrapped it around Little One's wrist to make a bracelet.
To create these adorable rings start out with 4 and a half pipe cleaners. 3 for the petals, one for the leaves and one half for the center.
Take the 3 for the petals and twist them twice in the center so they look like cat whiskers.
Then put them on the finger you will be wearing it on and loosely twist to make a ring. Make this a little big because the rind will tighten after it's been made.
Separate the petals evenly.
Now pinch it together at the end and twist and roll all the petals to the center.
You will then have the basic flower.
Then take your half pipe cleaner and twist it under the petals then bring the two parts up through the petals, then twist them together.
Once they are together, then pinch the end just like the petals and make a small center. Then arrange them to look more...flowery.
Now time for the leaves. Take your green pipe cleaner and twist it under the petals. Then pinch and twist each side toward the center just like you did the petals. Then shape in a "leaf shape" at the ends that show.
And that is it! You know have a beautiful creation that you can vary however you like. Use different colors and more pipe cleaners for petals. Shape the petals however you like for a more daisy look. Your imagination is your only limitation!